
Bach Country Fiddles 巴赫約翰‧瑟巴斯提安 總譜

來自 Alfred Music
$240TWD - $240TWD
$240TWD - $240TWD

在這首有趣的一年級選曲中,您的弦樂一年級學生將在巴羅克與鄉村的結合中大放異彩。這首曲子取材于巴赫著名的《G 調菜單小調》和《勃蘭登堡第五協奏曲》,是突出絃樂隊各聲部的完美樂曲。學生們一定會喜歡這首有助於加強左手技巧的小提琴彈奏練習曲。這首簡單悅耳的樂曲是為年輕演奏者精心編寫的,具有高難度的演奏音色,但即使是最缺乏經驗的演奏小組也能演奏。與《弦樂探索》第 1 冊第 10 單元相關。此標題可在 SmartMusic 中找到"

作曲家: Bach Johann Sebastian
改編者: Richard Meyer
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: 1; -1
風格: Country; Masterwork Arrangement
Your first-year string students will shine as Baroque meets country in this fun, Grade 1 selection. Based on quotes from Bach's famous Menuet in G and his Brandenburg Concerto No. 5, this is the perfect piece to highlight every section of the string orchestra. Students will love practicing fiddle licks that will help strengthen their left hand technique. Carefully written with the young performer in mind, this delightfully simple piece has a difficult virtuoso sound but is playable by even the most inexperienced groups. Correlated with String Explorer, Book 1, Unit 10. This title is available in SmartMusic.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 272.155422
UPC: 38081204079
