
Canon and Gigue for Three Violins and Basso Continuo in D Major 帕海貝爾約翰 卡農 基格 小提琴三重奏 亨乐版

$950TWD - $950TWD
$950TWD - $950TWD

約翰-帕赫貝爾 1653 年出生於紐倫堡,比巴赫早一代,是德國南部宗教改革後最重要的管風琴作曲家之一。他的作品在當時已廣為人知。如今最受歡迎的作品可能是 D 大調卡農和隨之而來的吉格舞曲。根據資料 "a 3 Violinis con Basso c.",這首卡農是在ostinato上建立起來的。- 這首卡農是在一個低音奏鳴曲的基礎上展開的,其兩小節的音型共重複了 28 次。接下來的短吉格舞曲也採用了嚴格的對位法風格。該作品的創作時間不詳。與他的大多數其他室內樂作品一樣,帕赫貝爾可能於 1677 年至 1695 年在圖林根期間創作了這部作品。這部悅耳動聽的作品也深受業餘愛好者的喜愛"

作曲家: Johann Pachelbel
校訂者: Norbert Müllemann
樂器: String Trio; Violin Trio; String Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
Johann Pachelbel, born in Nuremberg in 1653, a generation before Bach, is one of Southern Germany's most important post-Reformation organ composers. His compositions were already widely known at the time. The most popular work today is probably the canon with ensuing gigue in D major. The canon – according to the source “a 3 Violinis con Basso c.” – is built up over an ostinato bass whose two bar figure is repeated a total of 28 times. The following short gigue is also in a strict contrapuntal style. It is not known when the work was composed. As with most of his other chamber music works, Pachelbel might have composed it during his time in Thuringia between 1677 and 1695. This pleasing work is also popular with amateur ensembles.

頁數: 32
重量(g): 141.75
UPC: 884088598723
