Serenade op. 7 史特勞斯理查 小夜曲 總譜 環球版
為 13 件管樂器而作的小夜曲》在理查-施特勞斯青年時期的作品中享有特殊的地位(同時也表明這個時期即將結束):正是這部作品使施特勞斯作為一名作曲家在其家鄉以外的環境中獲得了認可。
作曲家: Strauss, Richard
樂器: for 13 wind instruments
出版社: Universal Edition
The Serenade for 13 wind instruments enjoys a special position among the works of Richard Strauss's youth (and suggests that this period was coming to an end): it is the work that brought recognition to Strauss as a composer outside his native environment.