
The Break Mastering the Middle Register of the Clarinet 豎笛

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$410TWD - $410TWD

跨越斷層 "可能會讓正在成長的單簧管演奏家感到沮喪。斷奏是掌握單簧管演奏中這一重要步驟的邏輯指南。該方法分為兩部分: 第一部分內容:單簧管泛音系列--新的音符名稱如何與之前學習的指法相聯繫;如何將 "右手向下 "作為一種發展技巧;一個八度的音階跨越斷奏;單簧管音區的第一段旋律,教授高級演奏所需的基本音樂概念。第二部分內容:從帕斯誇萊-博納(Pasquale Bona)的《節奏銜接》(Rhythmical Articulation)中選取並編輯的單簧管學習內容,説明學生為高年級演奏做好準備。節奏銜接》最初是為幫助歌手提高節奏和音準而編寫的"

作者: Paula Corley
樂器: Clarinet
出版社: Southern Music Co.
“Crossing the break” can be a source of frustration for developing clarinetists. The Break is a logical guide for mastering this important step in clarinet performance. The method is divided into two parts: Part I contents: the clarinet overtone series – how new note names attach to previously learned fingerings; how to incorporate 'right hand down' as a developmental technique; one octave scales across the break; first melodies in the clarion register that teach basic musical concepts needed for advanced performance. Part II contents: studies from Rhythmical Articulation by Pasquale Bona, selected and edited for clarinet to prepare students for upper level performance. Rhythmical Articulation was originally written to assist singers with rhythmical and pitch accuracy.

Range: The range is appropriate for developing clarinetists (low B to B just above the treble staff). Third-line B natural is often referred to as “the break” because it is the note where the register key is added to produce the middle register. These studies and exercises center around third-line B natural and provide a means to develop smooth connections between the lower and middle registers of the clarinet.

Technique: The studies have been adapted for clarinet to cover nine key signatures. Appropriate articulations, dynamics, and expressive markings have been added to reflect common practice in the classical style. Advanced rhythms and time signatures are introduced with moderate tempos. Musical terms have been added to identify phrases and suggest expression. The Break also includes an introduction to the altissimo register.
難易度: 2

頁數: 28
重量(g): 116.235
EAN: 9781581066722
UPC: 888680950873

