
Star Ship for String Orchestra Score and Parts 弦樂團

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$1,620TWD - $1,620TWD

在日本,有一個自古以來就流傳的古老故事。夜空中最美麗的兩顆星星是代表男人的牽牛星和代表女人的織女星。這對戀人每年只能相會一次,那就是 7 月 7 日的夜晚。他們住在銀河的兩側,必須在這天晚上乘船才能相見。如果下雨,他們就看不到對方了,因為天上的光河已經漲潮。牽牛星和織女星乘坐的星船名叫 "星之船"。我想用音樂表達這對分離的戀人的痛苦

作曲家: Yukiko Nishimura
樂器: String Orchestra
出版社: Southern Music Co.
In Japan there is an old tale which has been told since before time began. Two of the most beautiful stars in the night sky are Altair, representing Man and Vega, representing Woman. These two lovers can meet each other only one time each year, on the night of July 7th. Living on opposite sides of the Milky Way, they have to ride a ship to meet each other on that night. If it rains, they cannot see each other because the river of light in the sky is swollen. The name of the star ship that Altair and Vega ride is called “Hoshi no Fune.” I wanted to express in music the pain of these separated lovers. –Yukiko Nishimura
難易度: 2.5

頁數: 0
重量(g): 243.81
UPC: 888680751128
