
Scherzo, Op. 13 Flute Trio 詼諧曲 長笛三重奏

$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

亞歷山大-茲諾斯科-波羅夫斯基(Alexander Znosko-Borovsky,1908-1983 年)是俄羅斯作曲家,曾在基輔音樂學院接受小提琴和作曲訓練。由於納粹入侵俄羅斯,他於 1941 年移居土庫曼斯坦的阿什哈巴特,因此他的多部作品以土庫曼斯坦為主題。在那裡,他在推廣本土音樂方面發揮了重要作用。這首 "迴旋曲 "原為長號三重奏而作,後被希米-沃克斯曼改編為三支長笛

作曲家: Alexander Znosko-Borovsky
改編者: Himie Voxman
樂器: Flute Trio; Woodwinds
出版社: Southern Music Co.
Alexander Znosko-Borovsky (1908-1983) was a Russian composer, trained in violin and composition at the Kiev Conservatory. Several of his works were based on Turkmenian themes, as he moved in 1941 to Ashkhabad, Turkmenia in the face of Nazi invasion of Russia. There he was instrumental in promoting indigenous music. This “Scherzo” was originally written for trombone trio and has been transcribed for three flutes by Himie Voxman.
難易度: 3

頁數: 0
重量(g): 87.885
UPC: 884088764210
