
Eagle Squadron March 進行曲 管樂團

$3,650TWD - $3,650TWD
$3,650TWD - $3,650TWD

第二次世界大戰開始時,英國 "進行曲之王 "肯尼斯-J-阿爾福德(F.J.裡基茨少校的筆名,R.M.)的健康狀況越來越差,最近創作的音樂也相對較少。隨著希特勒的軍隊在歐洲大獲全勝,英國很快就獨自面對納粹的威脅。阿爾福德對戰爭的巨大貢獻是創作了他的兩首傑作:尼羅河之歌,慶祝盟軍在北非首次戰勝德軍;鷹之隊。後一首樂曲歌頌了戰爭初期(美國參戰之前)自願前往英國為皇家空軍服役的美國飛行員,他們在不列顛之戰中表現出色。阿爾福德巧妙地將 "皇家空軍進行曲 "和 "星條旗 "等多首著名曲調編入樂曲,同時還引用了瓦格納《尼伯龍根的指環》中齊格弗裡德的動機。馬克-羅傑斯(Mark Rogers)版的這首經典進行曲包括精美的全譜和音樂會規格的樂段集"

作曲家: Kenneth J. Alford
改編者: Mark Rogers
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Southern Music Co.
When the Second World War began, the British “March King” Kenneth J. Alford (pseudonym for Major F. J. Ricketts, R.M.) was increasingly in bad health and had composed relatively little music recently. As Hitler's armies marched victoriously across Europe, Britain was soon alone facing the Nazi peril. Alford's great contribution to the war effort was the composition of two of his great masterpieces, ARMY OF THE NILE, celebrating the first Allied victories over the Germans in North Africa and EAGLE SQUADRON. The latter of these marches celebrates American airmen who travelled to England during the early years of the war (before the entry of the United States into the conflict) to volunteer for service with the Royal Air Force, serving with great distinction during the Battle of Britain. Alford skillfully weaves a number of well-known tunes into the fabric of the music, including the “Royal Air Force March” and “The Star-Spangled Banner,” while also including a reference to the Siegfried motive from Wagner's “Ring of the Nibelung.” Mark Rogers' edition of this classic march includes a handsome full score and concert size set of parts.
難易度: 4

頁數: 0
重量(g): 850.5
UPC: 888680628024
