
A Touch of the Union Jack for Concert Band 室內管樂團 管樂團

$3,240TWD - $3,240TWD
$3,240TWD - $3,240TWD

三個樂章 1. 加冕進行曲》,2. 綠色 "主題變奏曲。"加冕進行曲 "採用 ABA 形式,與威廉-沃爾頓(William Walton)為 20 世紀英國君主譜寫的著名加冕進行曲有異曲同工之妙。"Kingsfold "是一首可愛的英國傳統調式曲調,以 "O Sing a Song of Bethlehem "為背景,由長笛和小號獨奏,帶有室內樂的質感。"綠色 "主題變奏曲 "以打擊樂和簧管的吉格舞曲開始,然後慢慢揭示出變奏主題的身份--"綠袖子"。這是一首適合高級中學樂隊或小型高中樂隊演奏的力作"

作曲家: David Mairs
樂器: Concert Band
出版社: Southern Music Co.
In three movements: 1. Coronation March, 2. Kingsfold and 3. Variations on a “Green” Theme. “Coronation March” is in ABA form with just a tip of the hat to William Walton's famous coronation marches written for British monarchs of the 20th century. “Kingsfold” is a lovely setting of the modal English traditional tune set to the text “O Sing a Song of Bethlehem,” featuring solos for flute and trumpet with chamber music textures. “Variations on a 'Green' Theme” begins with a jig in the percussion and reeds before slowly revealing the identity of the theme being varied – “Greensleeves.” A tour de force for advanced middle school bands or small high school bands.
難易度: 3.5

頁數: 0
重量(g): 1097.145
UPC: 888680627911
