
Tryst 麥克米倫.詹姆士 總譜 博浩版

$1,880TWD - $1,880TWD
$1,880TWD - $1,880TWD

為室內樂團創作的《Tryst》創作於 1989 年,自此在音樂廳和芭蕾舞劇中大放異彩。作曲家解釋說,這部作品的靈感來源於威廉-蘇塔(William Soutar)用廣義蘇格蘭語寫成的一首愛情詩,名為《試探》,他將這首詩配上一段非常簡單的旋律。這段旋律一直以不同的形式出現在此後創作的許多作品中--聖安妮彌撒、為小提琴和鋼琴而作的一個小片段(《幽會之後》)、音樂劇作品《Búsqueda》以及合唱作品《Miserere》。它不僅在《嘗試》中再次出現,而且還為音樂提供了標題和情感核心。"它的旋律特點與原詞相吻合,似乎暗示著許多非常強烈的聯想--承諾、神聖、親密、信仰、愛,但同時也飽含著一種悲傷,仿佛所有這些東西都將消逝

作曲家: MacMillan, James
樂器: chamber orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Tryst, for chamber orchestra, was composed in 1989 and has since established itself both in the concert hall and as a ballet score. The composer explains the genesis of the work in the form of a love poem by William Soutar written in broad Scots, called The Tryst, which he set to a very simple melody. This melody has persistently appeared, in various guises, in many works composed since – the congregational St Anne’s Mass, a tiny fragment for violin and piano (After the Tryst), in the music theatre piece Búsqueda, and in the choral Miserere. Not only did it crop up again in Tryst, but it has provided both the title and the emotional core of the music. “Its melodic characteristics, matching the original words, seem to imply many very strong associations – commitment, sanctity, intimacy, faith, love, but it is also saturated with a sadness as if all these things are about to expire.”Suitable for advanced standard performers.

頁數: 116
重量(g): 280
ISMN: 9790060122422
ISBN: 9780851627847
UPC: 888680094959
