
The Sacrifice: Three Interludes 麥克米倫.詹姆士 間奏 總譜 博浩版

$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

《犧牲》是我的第二部歌劇,為 WNO 創作,於 2007 年首演。它改編自威爾士古代神話集《馬比諾吉安故事集》中的一個故事。這是一個在內戰或部族紛爭中發生的愛情故事,最終以一種至高無上的自我犧牲行為達到高潮,最終彌合了部族仇恨,帶來了和平和新的希望。在首次上演時,該劇的故事發生在不久的將來,而不是神話中的過去。在三幕中,每一幕都有許多管弦樂插曲,將場景完美地串聯起來。1) 離別在最後的秘密約會之後,這對戀人西恩和埃文在婚禮之前分開了。根據安排,希安將嫁給另一方的首領瑪爾。兩個人都傷心欲絕,但都決心履行自己的職責,維護停戰協議。7 年後,人們再次嘗試將兩個族群團結在一起。希安和瑪律的小兒子格溫(Gwyn)將被加冕為王,象徵著理想中的統一。人群在音樂聲中聚集。最後,埃文殺害了這個男孩

作曲家: MacMillan, James
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

The Parting - The Marriage - The Investiture

The Sacrifice is my second opera, written for WNO and premiered in 2007. It is based on one of the Mabinogian stories, a collection of ancient Welsh myths. It is a tale of love set amidst a civil or clannish strife, and culminates in a supreme act of self-sacrifice which eventually heals the communal hatred and brings peace and renewed hope. In its first production the action was placed in the near future, rather than a mythic past.There are a number of orchestral interludes which connect the scenes in a seamless flow in each of the three acts. Three are extracted here to make a concert suite.1) The PartingAfter a final secret assignation, the two lovers, Sian and Evan split apart, before the wedding that will bring the two tribes together. It has been arranged that Sian will marry Mal, the leader of the other side. Both are heartbroken, but are committed to doing their duty to seal the truce.2) PassacagliaGuests from the two warring groups gather together for the marriage feast. It will end in violence.3) The InvestitureSeven years later another attempt is made to bring the two communities together. Gwyn, the young son of Sian and Mal, is to be crowned as a symbol of a desired unity. The crowds gather during this music. The scene will end in the murder of the boy, by Evan.
頁數: 76
重量(g): 170
ISMN: 9790060122255
UPC: 884088649326