
The Makropulos Case Symphonic Suite 交響組曲 總譜 環球版

$2,000TWD - $2,000TWD
$2,000TWD - $2,000TWD

塞雷布裡耶無論是作為指揮家,還是作為詮釋者,都將繼續給雅那切克的樂迷們留下深刻印象。他對雅納切克歌劇《馬克羅普洛斯案》的管弦樂提煉,無論是編曲還是由捷克國家愛樂樂團(布爾諾)錄製、塞雷布裡耶指揮,都贏得了好評。他準確地捕捉到了作曲家的音樂和情感意圖,並將其巧妙地交由管弦樂團演奏。現在,Universal Edition 為樂迷們提供了這一重要的新研究樂譜。時長 31'

作曲家: Janácek, Leoš
校訂者: Serebrier, José
樂器: for orchestra
出版社: Universal Edition
Serebrier continues to impress fans of Janácek's music, both as conductor and, here, as interpreter. His orchestral distillation of Janácek's opera, The Makropulos Case, brings raves, both as an arrangement and as recorded with the Czech State Philharmonic Orchestra (Brno), Serebrier conducting. He has exactly captured the musical and emotional intent of the composer, laying it expertly in the hands of orchestral forces. Now Universal Edition makes available this important new study score for those fans. Duration: 31'

頁數: 0
重量(g): 320
ISMN: 9790008080340
ISBN: 9783702466770
