
The Death of Oscar 麥克米倫.詹姆士 總譜 博浩版

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奧斯卡之死》(2012 年)是一首微型音調詩,取材于吟游詩人奧西安的傳說及其兒子奧斯卡之死。在奧西恩的傳說中,奧斯卡向國王凱爾布瑞發起單挑,雖然取得了勝利,卻因傷勢過重而死,他的父親和愛人為他哀悼。詹姆斯-麥克弗森(James MacPherson)在 18 世紀收集的這些傳說的真實性一直存在爭議,但毋庸置疑的是,它們對蘇格蘭和凱爾特文化的認知產生了巨大影響,尤其是在海外--受到拿破崙和湯瑪斯-傑弗遜等政治人物的推崇,並啟發了從孟德爾松(Mendelssohn)的《芬戈洞穴》到歌德(Goethe)的《少年維特之煩惱》(Die Leiden des jungen Werther)等浪漫主義藝術家"

作曲家: MacMillan, James
樂器: orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
The Death of Oscar (2012) is a miniature tone poem drawing upon the legend of the bardic poet Ossian and the death of his son Oscar. In the legends of Ossian, Oscar challenged the High King Cairbre to single combat and, though victorious, died of his wounds and was mourned by his father and lover. These tales collected by James MacPherson in the 18th century have long been debated as regards their authenticity, but what is not in doubt is the massive influence they had on perceptions of Scottish and Celtic culture, particularly overseas – admired by political figures such as Napoleon and Thomas Jefferson and inspiring Romantic artists from Mendelssohn in Fingal’s Cave to Goethe in Die Leiden des jungen Werther.

頁數: 36
重量(g): 100
ISMN: 9790060134906
ISBN: 9781784544072
UPC: 888680925680
