
Symphony C Minor Op. 68, No. 1 Study Score 布拉姆斯 交響曲 總譜 亨乐版

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$1,300TWD - $1,300TWD

勃拉姆斯在創作第一交響曲時掙扎了多年--面對貝多芬的作品,他感到無能為力。他在給朋友、指揮家赫爾曼-列維的信中寫道:"我永遠不會創作交響曲!你不知道,當我這樣的人總是聽到這樣一個巨人(貝多芬)在他身後前進時是什麼感覺"。但 1876 年 10 月,勃拉姆斯終於完成了這首交響曲,他的第一交響曲隨即在卡爾斯魯厄、曼海姆、慕尼克和維也納進行了首演,並廣受讚譽。我們在此提供這部作品的樂譜,它已在我們的新合訂本框架內出版,是一部方便學習的樂譜。我們的編輯--勃拉姆斯專家羅伯特-巴斯卡(Robert Pascall)--在為這本Urtext小版本所寫的序言中,介紹了有關這部作品的起源和出版歷史的有趣資訊"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Robert Pascall
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: G. Henle Verlag

Brahms: Symphony No. 1 c minor op. 68

Brahms struggled for years with composition of his First Symphony – the feeling of impotence in the face of Beethoven's works seemed overwhelming. He wrote to his friend, the conductor Hermann Levi: “I will never compose a symphony! You have no idea how the likes of me feels when he always hears such a giant (Beethoven) marching behind him.” But in October 1876 Brahms finally did complete it, and the first – acclaimed – performances of his First Symphony immediately took place in Karlsruhe, Mannheim, Munich, and Vienna. We herewith offer the score of this work, published within the framework of our New Collected Edition, as a convenient study score. In his preface to this Urtext edition in small format, our editor – Brahms expert Robert Pascall – presents interesting information about the work's genesis and publishing history.
頁數: 208
重量(g): 413.91
UPC: 884088184254