
Symphonic Suite from Gloriana op. 53a 布瑞頓 交響組曲葛羅里亞娜 總譜 博浩版

$2,400TWD - $2,400TWD
$2,400TWD - $2,400TWD

這是布裡頓從其 1953 年的加冕歌劇中提煉出的多首音樂會曲目之一,這部作品近年來才得到應有的評價。這部歌劇的戲劇核心是伊莉莎白一世與埃塞克斯伯爵之間不斷發展的關係,當埃塞克斯伯爵被判犯有叛國罪並被處以死刑時,女王在對伯爵的私人感情與公共責任之間糾結不已。音樂世界充滿了恰如其分的 "伊莉莎白 "氛圍,著名的宮廷舞喚起了一種時代氣息,但又不失稚拙。組曲以歌劇開場的激昂的錦標賽音樂開始,隨後是縈繞心頭的第二首琵琶曲("他能結束自己的命運是幸福的")、活力四射的宮廷舞(可作為單獨作品演奏),最後以歌劇尾聲的音樂結束。這首組曲很適合放在音樂會曲目的兩端,是介紹布裡頓最不應該被忽視的舞臺作品之一的絕佳作品。該組曲為管弦樂隊配樂;第二首琵琶曲由埃塞克斯伯爵二世羅伯特-德弗羅(Robert Devereux,1566-1601 年)作詞,可由男高音獨唱,也可由管弦樂隊中的雙簧管獨奏

作曲家: Britten, Benjamin
樂器: orchestra, tenor solo ad libitum
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

The Tournament - The Lute Song - The Courtly Dances: March - Coranto - Pavane - Morris Dance - Galliard - Lavolta - Gloriana moritura

This was one of several concert pieces that Britten extracted from his 1953 coronation opera, a work which has only received its rightful due in recent years. The opera’s dramatic core is the unfolding relationship between Elizabeth I and the Earl of Essex, the Queen torn between her private affection for the Earl and her sense of public duty when he is found guilty of treason and condemned to death. The sound-world has an appropriately ‘Elizabethan’ atmosphere, the famous Courtly Dances evoking a period flavour without ever lapsing into pastiche. The Suite begins with the bracing Tournament music that opens the opera, followed by the haunting Second Lute Song (‘Happy were he could finish forth his fate’), the vigorous Courtly Dances (which may be performed as a separate work), and concludes with the music of the opera’s Epilogue. The Suite could happily sit at either end of a concert programme and is an excellent introduction to one of Britten’s most undeservedly neglected stage works. It is scored for full orchestra; the Second Lute Song, with words by Robert Devereux, second Earl of Essex (1566–1601), may be sung by a solo tenor or played by a solo oboe from the orchestra.
頁數: 104
重量(g): 250
ISMN: 9790060129735
ISBN: 9781784540630
UPC: 888680611644