
Stomp (with Fate and Elvira) Concert Overture for Orchestra 麥克米倫.詹姆士 音樂會序曲管弦樂團 總譜 博浩版

$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD
$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD

樂隊音樂會序曲,2007 年由科林-大衛斯爵士指揮倫敦交響樂團首次演奏。泰晤士報》將這首五分鐘的樂曲描述為 "對之前聆聽的兩部大型作品--柴可夫斯基第四交響曲和莫札特的《埃爾維拉-馬迪根鋼琴協奏曲,K467》--的不敬解構[......]"。跺腳》"在經歷了各種古怪的變形之後,以天花板的方式,進入了一場令人陶醉的歡快跳動"。對此,英國《金融時報》評論道:"想像一下莫札特和柴可夫斯基身著千層底長袍,在高地狂歡的情景"

作曲家: MacMillan, James
樂器: Orchestra
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes
Concert overture for orchestra, first performed in 2007 by the London Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Sir Colin Davis. The Times described the five-minute piece as “an irreverent deconstruction of the two big works heard earlier — the Tchaikovsky 4th Symphony and Mozart’s Elvira Madigan Piano Concerto, K467[...]” Stomp ”went through all sorts of wacky distortions before being whisked, ceilidh-style, into a punch-drunk jig of delight.” In response, the Financial Times commented, “Imagine Mozart and Tchaikovsky in kilts, thrown into the middle of a highland fling.”

頁數: 44
重量(g): 120
ISMN: 9790060122231
ISBN: 9781784540722
UPC: 888680095741
