
Serenade for Wind Instruments in E-flat Major, Op. 7 E-flat Major Study Score 史特勞斯理查 小夜曲管樂 管樂器 亨乐版

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$890TWD - $890TWD

年僅 18 歲的理查-施特勞斯創作了極富浪漫主義色彩的單樂章管樂小夜曲作品 7。這部作品至今仍深受管樂演奏家的喜愛,在樂器和結構上讓人想起莫札特的 "大帕蒂塔",而莫札特的 "大帕蒂塔 "無疑是施特勞斯的典範。這首小夜曲的首演地點並不在巴伐利亞,而是在 1882 年的德累斯頓,由當時備受推崇的指揮家弗朗茨-伍爾納(Franz Wüllner)指揮,他還曾為理查-瓦格納(Richard Wagner)的《萊茵戈爾德》(Rheingold)和《行屍走肉》(Die Walküre)首演,後來又首演了施特勞斯的音調詩《蒂爾-尤倫斯皮格爾》(Till Eulenspiegel)和《堂吉訶德》(Don Quixote)。因此,這對年輕的巴伐利亞人來說是莫大的榮耀!編者諾伯特-格爾施(Norbert Gertsch)在此首次以烏爾托文本的品質--全譜和器樂部分--介紹了這部小巨作,不僅是初版,連親筆手稿都經過了嚴格的審查"

作曲家: Richard Strauss
校訂者: Norbert Gertsch
樂器: Chamber Ensemble
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
When he was a mere 18 years old, Richard Strauss composed the highly Romantic, one-movement Serenade for Wind Instruments, op. 7. Extremely popular among wind players to this day, this work recalls in instrumentation and structure Mozart's “Gran Partita,” which certainly served as a model for Strauss. The serenade was not premiered in its Bavarian homeland as might have been expected, but rather in Dresden, in 1882, under the direction of the then much-esteemed conductor Franz Wüllner, who had also given the inaugural performances of Richard Wagner's Rheingold and Die Walküre and later premiered Strauss' tone poems Till Eulenspiegel and Don Quixote. So it was a great honour for the young Bavarian! Editor Norbert Gertsch presents this little masterwork here for the first time in Urtext quality - in full score and instrumental parts - for which not just the first edition but also the autograph manuscript was scrutinised fastidiously.

頁數: 38
重量(g): 99.225
UPC: 840126932874
