
Chamber Symphony No. 1 op. 9 荀貝格 室內交響曲 總譜 環球版

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為 15 件獨奏樂器而作的室內交響曲作品 9 於 1906 年春至同年 7 月間創作,代表了他的音樂生涯的一個轉捩點。為 15 件獨奏樂器而作的室內交響曲作品 9 代表了勳伯格藝術發展的一個頂點,其後果甚至連作曲家本人最初都沒有意識到。

作曲家: Schoenberg, Arnold
樂器: for orchestra
出版社: Universal Edition
Composed between the spring of 1906 and July of the same year, the Chamber Symphony op. 9 for 15 solo instruments represents a point of culmination in Schoenberg's artistic development, the consequences of which not even the composer himself initially recognised.'
Ulrich Krämer

'The 1914 version is not chamber music - however its sound is simply less aggressive than the later version. It is more limpid, lucid, less incisive, and that allows the voices to emerge more clearly.' (Philippe Jordan, 2012)

頁數: 0
重量(g): 340
ISMN: 9790008085437
ISBN: 9783702472139
