
Introduction and Allegro appassionato G major op. 92 Concert piece for piano and orchestra 舒曼.羅伯特 導奏與快板熱情大調 音樂會小品鋼琴管弦樂團 總譜 歐伊倫堡版

$850TWD - $850TWD
$850TWD - $850TWD

克拉拉-舒曼在 34 歲生日那天從丈夫那裡不僅得到了一架三角鋼琴,還得到了最新的音樂素材,包括單樂章的《音樂會-快板與引子》作品 134,以及同樣只有一個樂章的《引子與快板》作品 92。這兩部作品延續了舒曼開創的獨奏協奏曲體裁的革新

作曲家: Schumann, Robert
編者: Baer, Ute
樂器: piano and orchestra
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH

Preface - Vorwort - Préface - Critical Notes, Kritische Anmerkungen - Introduction and Allegro appassionato

On her 34th birthday, Clara Schumann received from her husband not only a grand piano but also the latest music material, including the one-movement Concert-Allegro with Introduction Op. 134, as well as the composition Introduction and Allegro appassionato Op. 92 which also consisted of only one movement. With both works, Schumann continued the renewal of the solo concerto genre initiated by him.The editions are based on Vol. I/2/2 (RSA 1007-20) of the Robert Schumann Complete Edition.
頁數: 124
重量(g): 190
ISMN: 9790200225662
ISBN: 9783795771966
UPC: 841886015098