
Gesänge der Frühe Op. 133 Piano Solo 舒曼‧羅伯特 鋼琴 亨乐版

$650TWD - $650TWD
$650TWD - $650TWD

致迪奧提瑪"--這個標題的附錄一直保留到鋼琴 "歌曲 "出版前不久,令舒曼的同時代人感到困惑。約瑟夫-約阿希姆(Joseph Joachim)寫道:"這兩首曲子所歌頌的女神讓我頭疼不已",就連勃拉姆斯也無法確定她的身份。作曲家指的是荷爾德林的一部小說,儘管這部作品在舒曼的時代顯然已不再廣為人知。"相當新穎的作品,有一種非常特別的氛圍"--克拉拉這樣評價道。在我們的修訂版中,恩斯特-赫特裡希(Ernst Herttrich)詳細介紹了這部不同尋常作品的背景"

作曲家: Robert Schumann
校訂者: Wolfgang Boetticher
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
“To Diotima” – this addendum to the title was preserved until shortly before publication of the piano “songs” and mystified Schumann's contemporaries. “The Goddess to whom they are addressed has caused me quite a headache” wrote Joseph Joachim, and even Brahms was not able to identify her. The composer was referring to a novel by Hölderlin, although this work was apparently no longer generally very well-known in Schumann's day. “Quite original pieces, there is a very particular atmosphere in them” – thus Clara passed judgement. In our revised edition Ernst Herttrich provides a detailed illumination of the background to this unusual work.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 124.74
UPC: 884088176525
