
Complete Piano Works - Volume 6 Softcover 舒曼‧羅伯特 鋼琴 亨乐版

$2,000TWD - $2,000TWD
$2,000TWD - $2,000TWD

為紀念羅伯特-舒曼誕辰 200 周年,2010 年實現了一項雄心勃勃的計畫: 自克拉拉-舒曼 1879-93 年全集以來,所有鋼琴獨奏作品首次作為一個編輯專案出現。G.Henle出版社出版的所有舒曼作品集都經過了舒曼專家恩斯特-赫特裡希(Ernst Herttrich)的精心修訂,並增加了Henle目錄中以前缺失的作品。鋼琴作品全集共六卷,現在有紙質裝訂版和布面裝訂版,還有裝在手提箱中的研究版。全集按作品編號清晰排序,不僅收錄了舒曼的所有鋼琴作品,並根據最新的學術研究成果進行了修訂,還收錄了翔實的評論文字、備選版本以及更多內容

作曲家: Robert Schumann
樂器: Piano/Keyboard
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
To commemorate the 200th anniversary of Robert Schumann's birth, an ambitious project has been realized in 2010: For the first time since Clara Schumann's Complete Edition of 1879-93, all of the works for piano solo are appearing as one editorial project. All of the Schumann titles published by G. Henle Publishers have undergone a careful revision by Schumann expert Ernst Herttrich who also added works previously missing from Henle's catalog. The complete piano works, comprising six volumes, are now available in paperbound or clothbound editions, as well as a study edition set in a slipcase. Clearly ordered by opus numbers, the complete edition includes not only all of Schumann's piano works, revised to reflect the latest scholarly findings, but also informative commentary texts, alternative versions and many things more.

Contents: Exercises - Etüden in Form freier Variationen über ein Thema von Beethoven; Variationen über ein eigenes Thema in Es [Geistervariationen] Es-dur ; Drei Fantasiestücke op. 111; Drei Klaviersonaten für die Jugend op. 118; Albumblätter op. 124; Sieben Klavierstücke in Fughettenform op. 126; Gesänge der Frühe op. 133 ; “Einsame Blume” aus Waldszenen op. 82; Bunte Blätter op. 99

頁數: 258
重量(g): 969.57
UPC: 884088518738
