
Allegro in B minor Op. 8 Revised Edition Piano Solo 舒曼‧羅伯特 鋼琴 快板亨乐版

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$700TWD - $700TWD

"到處都是混亂的數位組合、不協和、段落--簡言之,對我們來說就是折磨"。- 舒曼當然不應該受到當代人的抨擊。他只發表了原本打算作為奏鳴曲的開頭樂章Allegro di bravura,其他部分顯然已被銷毀。克拉拉對舒曼的早期作品相當保留,但她很快就將這首曲子納入了自己的曲目。埃內斯廷-馮-弗裡肯(Ernestine von Fricken)是這首曲子的作曲者,舒曼在創作這首曲子時仍與她保持著聯繫,兩人分手後,她經常演奏這首曲子,儘管 "表情相當古怪"。我們的版本是根據最新的學術研究成果徹底修訂的結果"

作曲家: Robert Schumann
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Schumann: Allegro b minor op. 8

“Everywhere only confused combinations of figures, dissonances, passages – in short, for us torture.” – Schumann certainly did not deserve this contemporary slating. He only published the opening movement Allegro di bravura of what was originally meant to be a sonata – the other parts were apparently destroyed. Clara, who was otherwise rather reserved as far as Schumann's early works were concerned, soon incorporated this piece into her repertoire. Ernestine von Fricken, the dedicatee and with whom Schumann was still engaged at its time of composition, often played it after their separateion, even if “with quite curious expression.” Our edition is the result of a thorough revision to incorporate the latest scholarly findings.
頁數: 33
重量(g): 147.42
UPC: 884088176730