
7 Piano Pieces in Fughetta Form, Op. 126 舒曼‧羅伯特 鋼琴 小品 亨乐版

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$600TWD - $600TWD

面對失敗,舒曼在杜塞爾多夫期間再次轉向作曲。他創作了許多新作品,其中也包括鋼琴作品,而在他最初幾年的創作生涯中,他只寫過幾首鋼琴作品。當時,巴赫的音樂在舒曼家中扮演著重要的角色;舒曼再次轉向巴羅克形式也反映了這一點。不過,他希望自己的賦格曲能被理解為 "人物小品,只是形式更加嚴格"。以賦格形式創作的鋼琴小品》作品 126,出版於 Henle 出版社。亨勒目錄中首次出版的 "賦格形式鋼琴曲 "作品 126 將嚴格的形式要求與浪漫的表現手法巧妙地結合在一起"

作曲家: Robert Schumann
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In response to failures, Schumann once again turned more to composing during his time in Düsseldorf. He wrote many new works – also ones for the piano for which he had only written a few pieces after his first years of composing. Bach's music played an important role in the Schumanns' house at the time; this is mirrored in the fact that Schumann turned to baroque forms again. However, he wanted his fugues to be understood as “character pieces, just in stricter form.” The “Piano Pieces in Fughetta Form” op. 126, published in the Henle catalog for the first time, unite the strict formal demands with romantic expression in a masterly manner.

頁數: 32
重量(g): 133.245
UPC: 884088497217
