
Piano Pieces - Piano Variations Piano Solo 舒伯特 鋼琴 變奏曲 小品 亨乐版

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$1,460TWD - $1,460TWD

這本選集按時間順序彙集了舒伯特的部分鋼琴獨奏曲,當然,這些作品都是作為 "較短 "的臨時作品創作的,但它們構成了舒伯特全部作品的重要組成部分,其大膽的和聲常常令人眼花繚亂。我們的《烏爾托文》卷收錄了舒伯特從青年時期到逝世前不久的作品。所選曲目難度不一(從 3 級到 7 級)。這些作品為水準較高的學生提供了接近舒伯特鋼琴作品的多種選擇,也為水準較低的學生提供了良好的入門和一些有價值的挑戰"

作曲家: Franz Schubert
校訂者: Gertraud Haberkamp
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Schubert: Scherzo B flat major D 593
Schubert: Allegretto c minor D 915
Schubert: Andante C major D 29
Schubert: 'Hungarian Melody' b minor D 817
Schubert: March E major D 606
Schubert: Fantasy ['Grazer Fantasie'] C major D 605 A
Schubert: Scherzo D flat major D 593
Schubert: 3 Variations a minor D 576
Schubert: Adagio G major D 178
Schubert: 10 Variations F major D 156

This volume gathers together, in chronological order, a selection of solo piano pieces that Schubert, to be sure, created as “shorter” occasional works but which form an important part of his complete oeuvre and often dazzle with their bold harmonies. Our Urtext volume includes compositions from his youth up to shortly before his death. The selected pieces are of a wide spectrum of difficulty (from level 3 to level 7). They offer the more advanced pupil many options by which to approach Schubert's piano works, and the less advanced pupil a good introduction and some worthwhile challenges.
頁數: 92
重量(g): 374.22
UPC: 884088176372