
Impromptu C minor Op. 90 D 899 Piano Solo 舒伯特 鋼琴 即興曲 亨乐版

$360TWD - $360TWD
$360TWD - $360TWD

弗朗茨-舒伯特在他的即興曲集和音樂片刻集中,向人們展示了如何在鋼琴上演奏抒情歌曲般的形式,給人留下了深刻印象。例如,他膾炙人口的即興曲作品 90,儘管曲調簡單,卻被證明是完美的藝術作品,是浪漫主義鋼琴音樂中最受喜愛的作品之一。作品 90 中的第一首升 C 小調即興曲(我們在此將其作為單獨版本推出)實際上是對一個不斷重複的旋律的幻想。其進行曲般的特徵時而特別強調,時而抒情模糊。這首樂曲在和聲的廣闊領域中,既有嚴峻的威嚴,又有迷人的大小調之間的浮動,讓鋼琴家沉浸在舒伯特的聲音世界中。這本 Henle Urtext 版本為這些樂曲提供了有理有據、準確無誤的音樂文本"

作曲家: Franz Schubert
校訂者: Walter Gieseking
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
In his collections of impromptus and Moments musicaux, Franz Schubert impressively showed at the end of his life how a lyrical, songlike form can be rendered on the piano. In spite of their simplicity, his popular impromptus op. 90, for examply, prove themselves to be consummate works of art, and number among the most beloved pieces of Romantic piano music. The first impromptu in C sharp minor from op. 90, which we present here as a separate edition, virtually fantasies over a single, incessantly recurring melody. Its march-like character is sometimes particularly emphasized, sometimes lyrically obscured. With its grim majesty and enchanting flucuations between major and minor as it roams harmonic expanses, this music lets pianists immerse themselves in Schubert's world of sound. This Henle Urtext edition provides a well-founded, accurate musical text for these pieces.

頁數: 10
重量(g): 73.71
UPC: 884088176808
