
Impromptu A Flat Major Op. 90 D 899 Piano Solo 舒伯特 鋼琴 即興曲亨乐版

$380TWD - $380TWD
$380TWD - $380TWD

弗朗茨-舒伯特在他短暫一生的最後時刻,在他的 "即興曲 "和 "音樂片刻 "中,令人印象深刻地展示了鋼琴如何演奏抒情歌曲。降 A 大調即興曲 作品 90 之 4 降 A 大調即興曲作品 90 之 4 是鋼琴曲目中最受歡迎的曲目之一。使用我們的Urtext版本,演奏者可以陶醉在肅殺的下行琶音中,愉悅于抒情而富有表現力的升C小調三重奏的表現力"

作曲家: Franz Schubert
校訂者: Walter Gieseking
樂器: Piano
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
At the end of his short life Franz Schubert impressively illustrated, in his collections of “Impromptus” and “Moments musicaux”, how lyrical-songlike form could be rendered on the piano. The Impromptu in A flat Major op. 90 no. 4 numbers among the most popular pieces in the piano repertoire. The player using our Urtext edition can revel in the purling downward arpeggios and delight in the expressive power of the lyrical and expressive C sharp minor Trio.

頁數: 11
重量(g): 73.71
UPC: 884088175672
