3 Ragtimes 喬普林 繁音拍子 大提琴加鋼琴 朔特版
來自 Schott Music
誰能想到拉格泰姆會再次復興?但在其主要代表人物斯科特-喬普林逝世 50 多年後,電影《刺痛》讓這一曾經風靡一時的風格再次為人們所熟知並成為時尚。當然,這一小部分喬普林布魯斯音樂中還少不了《娛樂家》。相比之下,"Easy Winners "和 "Rag-Time Dance "的趣味性並不遜色,尤其是後者,表演者不僅要演奏,還要跺腳。出色的音樂可為多種場合提供娛樂!
作曲家: Joplin, Scott
校訂者: Birtel, Wolfgang
樂器: cello and piano
出版社: Schott Music
The Entertainer - The Easy Winners - Rag-Time Dance
Who would have thought that ragtime would enjoy another renaissance! But more than 50 years after the death of its main representative, Scott Joplin, the film 'The Sting' has made this once popular style well-known and fashionable again. This small selection of Joplin rags is of course not complete without 'The Entertainer'. In comparison, 'Easy Winners' and 'Rag-Time Dance' are no less fun to play, particularly since in the latter the performer not only has to play but also stomp his foot. Excellent music providing entertainment for many occasions!