Pulcinella for Saxophone and Piano 薩氏管 鋼琴
由尤金-博紮創作的《普爾辛內拉》是為降E薩克斯管和鋼琴伴奏而作的作品。這是一首獻給馬塞爾-騾子(Marcel Mule)的作品,這支活潑的小丑舞蹈難度很大,需要較高的技巧水準。這首曲子非常適合展示演奏者的能力,可以在獨奏會或比賽中演奏。歐仁-博紮曾在巴黎音樂學院獲得小提琴、指揮和作曲一等獎,以及羅馬大獎。他創作了多部歌劇、室內樂作品和芭蕾舞劇"
作曲家: Eugène Bozza
樂器: Alto Saxophone
出版社: Alphonse Leduc
Composed by Eugène Bozza, Pulcinella is a work for Eb saxophone and piano accompaniment. Dedicated to Marcel Mule, this sprightly clown dance is very difficult and requires an advanced skill level. This piece is great to demonstrate the abilities of the players and could be played in a recital or a contest. Eugène Bozza won different prizes at the Conservatoire de Paris such as the First Prizes for the Violin, conducting and composition, as well as the Grand Prix de Rome. He composed several operas, chamber works and ballets among others.