Melodious and Progressive Studies, Book 1 Saxophone 薩氏管 旋律練習曲
本彙編是為薩克斯管演奏者/學生提供的既定學習曲目的一分譜。包括 18 個表現性練習(音階)--德姆尼茨;18 個表現性練習(和絃)--德姆尼茨;9 個旋律練習--諾森蒂尼;14 個旋律練習--貝爾曼;5 個漸進練習--凱澤以及大小調音階。
改編者: David Hite
校訂者: David Hite
樂器: Saxophone; Woodwinds; Sax
出版社: Southern Music Co.
This compilation is part of the established study repertoire for developing saxophone players/students. Includes: 18 Expressive Studies (scales) – Demnitz; 18 Expressive Studies (chords) – Demnitz; 9 Melodic Studies – Nocentini; 14 Melodic Etudes – Baermann; 5 Progressive Studies – Kayser and major and minor scales.
難易度: 2