
Sonata for Violoncello and Piano No. 2 in F Major, Op. 123 聖桑斯 奏鳴曲 大提琴(含鋼琴伴奏) 亨乐版

$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD
$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD

作曲家 1872 年創作的第一首大提琴奏鳴曲(51481057)迅速走紅後,出版商不斷要求作曲家為這一樂譜創作第二首奏鳴曲。但直到 1905 年 3 月,在氣候溫和的阿爾及利亞,聖桑才終於放下心來,創作了一首包含四個樂章的大型奏鳴曲。他個人認為這首奏鳴曲優於第一首奏鳴曲,甚至認為其中的第三樂章 "羅馬舞曲 "可以與《動物狂歡節》(51480943)中著名的 "天鵝 "相媲美。然而,這部作品仍然被第一奏鳴曲所掩蓋,這主要是因為第二奏鳴曲對大提琴家的技術和藝術要求更高。Henle Urtext 版本是該作品的第一個urtext批評版,現在為大提琴家提供了一個重新發現這部作品的機會"

作曲家: Camille Saint-Saëns
校訂者: Peter Jost
樂器: Cello; Piano Accompaniment
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
After his first cello sonata of 1872 (51481057) had fast gained popularity, the publisher kept asking the composer to write a second sonata for this scoring. But it was only in March 1905, in the mild climate of Algeria, that Saint-Saëns finally relented and composed a large sonata with four movements. He personally thought it superior to the first sonata and even believed that its third movement, the “Romanza,” was an equivalent to the famous “Swan” in the “Carnival of the Animals” (51480943). However, this work is still overshadowed by the first sonata, not least because the second places greater technical and artistic demands on cellists. This Henle Urtext edition, the first urtext-critical edition of the work ever, now offers cellists a chance to rediscover this composition.

Text in English, French and German.

頁數: 108
重量(g): 484.785
UPC: 888680672133
