
Encore op. 82/8 Petite Fantaisie sur un ballet d'Arlequin 鋼琴三重奏 芭蕾 齊默爾曼版

$550TWD - $550TWD
$550TWD - $550TWD

這首曲子也相當自由地處理了德里戈的原作。平靜的引子之後是活潑的中間部分,名為 "rude et vite",傳達出生命的喜悅和活力。爵士樂的音色令人印象深刻。最後一個不同尋常的和絃,似乎既有趣又令人深思,它採用了原作引子和主體部分之間過渡部分的開放和絃"

作曲家: Michael Frank
樂器: flute, violin and piano
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
This composition, too, handles the original by Drigo rather freely. Centre core after the calm introduction is a lively middle part, called "rude et vite", which conveys joy of life and vivality. Jazz-like sounds cannot be failed to notice. The unusual final chord, which seems both funny and reflective, takes up the open chord of the transitory part between introduction and main part of the original.

語言: German • English • French
頁數: 8
重量(g): 40
ISMN: 9790010345703
