
3 Sonatas 鋼琴三重奏 奏鳴曲 齊默爾曼版

$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD
$1,050TWD - $1,050TWD

加埃塔諾-普格納尼(Gaetano Pugnani,都靈,1731 年 11 月 27 日-1798 年 7 月 15 日)是義大利小提琴家、作曲家和都靈裡吉奧劇院的指揮家,他是一位神童,出眾的天賦和精湛的技藝使他在 10 歲時就首次在裡吉奧劇院演出,隨後在歐洲和俄羅斯各地演出,這奠定了他作為小提琴家的巨大聲譽。他的教學活動培養了眾多小提琴家,其中最著名的是維奧蒂,他曾與維奧蒂一起巡迴演出。除了多部歌劇之外,普格納尼還創作了大量器樂作品;他經常利用自己在演奏技巧和小提琴製作方面的研究成果演奏自己的作品"

作曲家: Pugnani Gerolamo
校訂者: Franco, Fabio
樂器: flute, piano (harpsichord) and cello
出版社: Musikverlag Zimmermann
Gaetano Pugnani (Turin, November 27, 1731 - July 15, 1798), the Italian violinist, composer and conductor of the Teatro Regio in Turin, was a child prodigy and his exceptional talent and virtuosity brought him his first engagement at the Teatro Regio at the early age of 10 followed later by performances throughout Europe and Russia, which laid his considerable fame as a violinist. His own teaching activities produced numerous violinists, the best-known among them being Viotti, with whom he undertook concert tours. In addition to several operas, Pugnani produced an extensive body of instrumental compositions; often, he performed his own works, using the findings from his research into playing technique and violinmaking.

語言: German • English • French
頁數: 64
重量(g): 240
ISMN: 9790010342900
