
Trio Capriccioso For Violin, Viola, and Piano 三重奏 隨想曲 小提琴 中提琴 鋼琴

來自 Alfred Music
$400TWD - $400TWD
$400TWD - $400TWD

《隨想曲三重奏》由美國全國音樂教師協會委託創作,是 2016 年委託作曲家計畫的一部分,旨在以合作音樂為特色,探索不同尋常的樂器搭配。這首小提琴、中提琴和鋼琴三重奏提供了獨特的可能性。小提琴和中提琴的音色相似,可以混合出質感和擴展音域,而共鳴上的差異則提供了多樣的色彩。這首狂想曲以自由變奏的形式寫成,每段的節奏和特點都有變化。節奏鮮明的精彩段落與抒情的對位元形成鮮明對比,作品中還穿插了簡短的快板,以突出每種樂器的特點"

作曲家: Tom Gerou
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Late Intermediate;
風格: Light Concert
Trio Capriccioso was commissioned by the Music Teachers National Association as part of the 2016 Commissioned Composer program, aimed at featuring collaborative music and exploring unusual instrumentation. This violin, viola, and piano trio offers unique possibilities. The similar timbres between the violin and viola allow for blended textures and extended range, while the differences in resonance provide variety of color. This rhapsodic piece, written in free-variation form, changes in tempo and character from section to section. Rhythmic and brilliant passages contrast with lyrical counterpoint, and short cadenzas are interspersed throughout the work to highlight each instrument.

試聽: Trio_Capriccioso

頁數: 28
重量(g): 108.8621688
ISBN: 9781470633455
UPC: 38081519593
