
Four Little Tributes 麥克米倫˙詹姆士 鋼琴五重奏 博浩版

$1,780TWD - $1,780TWD
$1,780TWD - $1,780TWD

這張專輯由一些小品組成,每首小品都是為紀念一位在世的作曲家而作。其中三首為鋼琴五重奏譜寫,另一首為鋼琴四重奏譜寫。獻給邁克爾》(鋼琴五重奏)創作於 2004 年,以紀念邁克爾-伯克利離任切爾滕納姆國際音樂節藝術總監。給馬克斯》(鋼琴五重奏)創作於同一年,是為慶祝彼得-麥克斯韋爾-大衛斯的生日而作。獻給莎莉》(鋼琴五重奏,2006 年)是獻給麥克米蘭的朋友莎莉-比米什(Sally Beamish)的。為約翰吟誦》(鋼琴四重奏,2007 年)在曼徹斯特大學音樂教授約翰-卡斯肯退休紀念音樂會上演奏。每首曲子的演奏時間為兩到四分鐘"

作曲家: MacMillan James
樂器: piano quintet / piano quartet
出版社: Boosey & Hawkes

For Max (piano quintet) - For Michael (piano quintet) - For Sally (piano quintet) - Chant for John (piano quartet)

Album comprising short pieces, each written in honour of a living composer. Three are scored for piano quintet, the other for piano quartet. For Michael (piano quintet) was composed in 2004 to mark Michael Berkeley’s departure as Artistic Director of the Cheltenham International Festival of Music. For Max (piano quintet) dates from the same year and was written to celebrate the birthday of Peter Maxwell Davies. For Sally (piano quintet, 2006) is dedicated to MacMillan’s friend Sally Beamish. Chant for John (piano quartet, 2007) was performed at a concert to mark the retirement of John Casken as Professor Music at Manchester University. Duration from two to four minutes each.
難度: advanced - difficult
頁數: 72
重量(g): 250
ISMN: 9790060129803
UPC: 888680611620