
Beethoven Takes Five 鋼琴五重奏 環球版

$1,350TWD - $1,350TWD
$1,350TWD - $1,350TWD

貝多芬愛好者和純粹主義者們,請振作起來,這就是你們從未想像過的著名的第五交響曲!在 "貝多芬五重奏 "中,阿列克謝將節拍改為大膽的 5/4......但這僅僅是他陰謀詭計的開始!他還加入了墨西哥音樂、拉丁音樂、搖擺樂和爵士樂,用他自己的話說,"還加入了其他各種令人憎惡的音樂"。這首曲子令人歎為觀止,也許適合在音樂會上作為安可曲目,也可以作為絃樂四重奏或鋼琴五重奏演奏。本版本包含弦樂部分。鋼琴譜的編號為 UE38098"

作曲家: Igudesman Aleksey
樂器: string quartett (piano ad libitum)
出版社: Universal Edition
Brace yourselves, Beethoven lovers and purists everywhere; here is the famous Fifth Symphony as you never dared to imagine it! In “Beethoven Takes Five”, Aleksey has changed the meter to an audacious 5/4… but that’s just the beginning of his machinations! He throws in Mexican music, latin, swing and jazz and, in his own words, “all sorts of other abominations on top”. The result is an amazing piece, perhaps suitable for a concert encore, that can be played as a string quartet or piano quintet. This edition features the piano score. The string parts are available with the number UE38099.

重量(g): 40
ISMN: 9790008090288
