
Piano Quartet G minor Op. 25 布拉姆斯 鋼琴四重奏 亨乐版

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布拉姆的 G 小調四重奏作品 25 的起源可以追溯到 19 世紀 50 年代,但這部作品直到 1861 年秋天才完成。作曲家對他的新作品推崇備至,甚至在一年後將其列入他作為鋼琴家和作曲家在維也納首次公開亮相的曲目中。時至今日,這部作品仍是勃拉姆斯三部鋼琴四重奏中最受歡迎的一部,尤其是因為它令人眼花繚亂的最後樂章--《辛加雷茲迴旋曲》"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Hanspeter Krellmann
樂器: Piano Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Brahms: Piano Quartet g minor op. 25

The origins of Brahm's G minor Quartet op. 25 go back to the 1850s, although the work was not finished until fall 1861. The composer held his new work in high esteem, even putting it on the program of his first public appearance in Vienna as pianist and composer one year later. To this day it is the most popular of the three Brahms piano quartets, not least because of its dazzling final movement, a Rondo alla Zingarese.
頁數: 136
重量(g): 541.485
UPC: 884088173982