
Piano Quartet A Major Op. 26 布拉姆斯 鋼琴四重奏 亨乐版

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與 G 小調四重奏作品 25 一樣,作品 26 的起源可以追溯到 19 世紀 50 年代。然而,它直到 1861 年夏秋才最終定型。克拉拉-舒曼(Clara Schumann)在對這首作品的首次評價中認為,"一旦聽眾完全瞭解並經常聆聽這首作品,他就會慢慢喜歡上它"。勃拉姆斯的朋友約瑟夫-約阿希姆(Joseph Joachim)在匆匆讀過之後給他寫了一封信,說他 "對 A 大調四重奏越來越喜歡。親切細膩的音調與對生活的熱愛交織在一起,美不勝收"。作品 26 使用了 "明亮 "的音調,在相鄰的兩首鋼琴四重奏中顯然更容易接受"

作曲家: Johannes Brahms
校訂者: Hanspeter Krellmann
樂器: Piano Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Brahms: Piano Quartet A major op. 26

As with the G minor Quartet op. 25, the origins of opus 26 reach back into the 1850s. However, it assumed its final shape only in summer and fall 1861. While in her first evaluation of the work Clara Schumann felt that the piece would “grow on the listener once he knows it perfectly and has often heard it.” Brahms's friend Joseph Joachim wrote to him after a hasty perusal that he had “grown more and more favorable towards the A major Quartet. The tone of great intimacy and delicacy alternates beautifully with a fresh love of life.” With its use of a “brighter” key, opus 26 is clearly the more accessible of the two adjacent piano quartets.
頁數: 126
重量(g): 510.3
UPC: 884088174712