
La Prière de Moïse Trio pour deux violons e violoncelle concertant avec accompagnement de piano et d'orgue 歐芬巴赫 鋼琴四重奏 三重奏鋼琴 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
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$1,230TWD - $1,230TWD

莫伊茲的祈禱》實際上是對羅西尼歌劇《莫伊茲》中各種主題的幻想,尤其是第三幕中著名的祈禱。奧芬巴赫和羅西尼非常欣賞對方的作品,儘管奧芬巴赫偶爾也會以模仿他的同事、《威廉-泰爾》的創作者的音樂為樂。事實上,正是羅西尼第一個稱奧芬巴赫為香榭麗舍大街上的小莫札特。1853 年 5 月,當奧芬巴赫的歌劇《馬圖裡的特裡索爾》首演時,《莫伊塞的普裡埃》首次上演,奧芬巴赫親自演奏大提琴部分

作曲家: Offenbach Jacques
改編者: Keck, Jean-Christophe
樂器: 2 violins, cello, piano and organ
出版社: Bote & Bock
La Prière de Moïse is in fact a fantasy on various motifs from Rossini's opera Moïse, in particular the famous "Prayer" in Act 3. Offenbach and Rossini admired each other's works very much, despite Offenbach occasionally finding pleasure in parodying the music of his colleague, the creator of Wilhelm Tell. In fact, it was Rossini who was the first to call Offenbach the "little Mozart of the Champs-Elysées". La Prière de Moïse was first performed in May 1853 when Offenbach premiered his Opéra-comique Le Trésor à Mathuri, with Offenbach himself playing the cello part.

頁數: 28
重量(g): 130
ISMN: 9790202531112
UPC: 73999286076
