
Fairy Tales, Op. 132 (Märchenerzählungen) Clarinet in B-flat (Violin), Viola and Piano 舒曼‧羅伯特 小提琴 鋼琴 童話故事 鋼琴四重奏 亨乐版

$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

舒曼創作第 132 號作品的靈感並非來自浪漫主義詩歌或具體的童話人物。今天,我們可以認為,這些樂曲的標題(原名為浪漫曲)只是為了讓人聯想到一個詩意的童話世界。大概是受到莫札特的《凱格施塔特》三重奏(K. 498)的啟發,舒曼潛心計畫為這一獨特的樂器組合創作一部作品。然而近三年後,他才將這些 "寫得非常愉快 "的作品寄給出版商。第一版中的小提琴部分替代了單簧管。由於該部分得到了舒曼的授權,因此也收錄在這一Urtext版本中"

作曲家: Robert Schumann
校訂者: Ernst Herttrich
樂器: Clarinet; Piano; Viola; Violin
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition
No romantic poetry or concrete fairytale figure inspired Schumann to write his opus 132. Today, we can assume that the title of the pieces, originally called Romances, was merely supposed to conjure up a poetic and fairytale world. Presumably inspired by Mozart's “Kegelstatt” Trio K. 498, Schumann occupied himself intensively with plans for a work for this distinctive combination of instruments, whose “unique effect” enthused him. Yet almost three years passed before he sent a publisher these works that he had “written with great pleasure”. The first edition contained a violin part as an alternative to the clarinet. As this part was authorized by Schumann, it is also included in this Urtext edition.

頁數: 56
重量(g): 232.47
UPC: 884088529383
