
Divertimenti for Piano (Cembalo) with 2 Violins and Violoncello Piano Quartet 嬉遊曲 小提琴 大提琴 鋼琴四重奏 亨乐版

$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD
$1,600TWD - $1,600TWD

維也納古典時期,"小品 "是一種輕快的多樂章器樂曲,具有歡快、舞蹈般的特點。除莫札特外,海頓也是創作輕快、娛樂性強的小品的藝術大師。海頓的鋼琴、兩把小提琴和大提琴小品的真實性並不總是很確定。本版本提供了目錄組 Hob. XIV 的五首經核實為真品的作品,以及附錄中的 Divertimento Hob. XIV:C2,該曲目極有可能是海頓所作。所有六首曲子均以 C 大調為主,易於演奏,因此非常適合家庭音樂創作。鋼琴主奏,弦樂伴奏。我們邀請海頓的學者霍斯特-瓦爾特(Horst Walter)為我們的Urtext版本(包括詳細的序言)作序"

作曲家: Franz Josef Haydn
校訂者: Horst Walter
樂器: Piano Quartet
出版社: Henle Urtext Edition

Haydn: Divertimento C major Hob. XIV:3 for Piano (Harpsichord) with two Violins and Violoncello
Haydn: Divertimento F major Hob. XIV:9 for Piano (Harpsichord) with two Violins and Violoncello
Haydn: Divertimento C major Hob. XIV:4 for Piano (Harpsichord) with two Violins and Violoncello
Haydn: Divertimento C major Hob. XIV:8 for Piano (Harpsichord) with two Violins and Violoncello
Haydn: Appendix: Divertimento C major Hob. XIV:C2 for Piano (Harpsichord) with two Violins and Violo
Haydn: Divertimento C major Hob. XIV:7 for Piano (Harpsichord) with two Violins and Violoncello

In the Viennese classical era a divertimento was a light, multi-movement instrumental piece of cheerful, dance-like character. Alongside Mozart, it was above all Hayydn who mastered the art of composing light, entertaining divertimentos of the finest quality. As so often with Haydn, the authenticity of of the divertimentos for piano, two violins and violoncello attributed to him is not always certain. The present edition offers the five verifiably authentic works of the catalog group Hob. XIV in its main section, and in the appendix the Divertimento Hob. XIV:C2, which in all likelihood was composed by Haydn. All six – predominantly in C major – are easy to play and thus well suited for domestic music-making. The piano dominates, while the strings provide sonority. For our Urtext edition, including the detailed preface, we were able to engage Haydn scholar Horst Walter.
頁數: 100
重量(g): 408.24
UPC: 884088176464