
Sonata 奏鳴曲 4手聯彈(含以上) 朔特版

來自 Schott Music
$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD
$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD

伊什特萬-塞萊尼(István Szelényi,1904-1972 年)曾師從柯達伊,後在布達佩斯音樂學院教授作曲。他的作品主要是為教學目的而創作的,包括青年管弦樂團作品、小提琴合奏曲、室內樂和鋼琴曲。鋼琴奏鳴曲》創作於 1970 年,第一樂章以自由的引子開始,隨後是奏鳴曲式的發展和兩個對比主題的探索。第二樂章(夜曲)是由柔美的半半音階組成的複雜絲線。最後,奏鳴曲以一首技巧精湛的《托卡塔》收尾,其節奏和和聲令人回想起匈牙利民間小調"

作曲家: Szelényi, István
編者: Grau, Andreas / Schumacher, Goetz
樂器: piano (4 hands)
出版社: Schott Music
István Szelényi (1904 - 1972) studied with Kodály and later taught composition at the Budapest conservatory. His output consists mainly of pieces written for teaching purposes, including works for youth orchestra, for violin ensemble, as well as chamber music and piano pieces. The first movement of the Piano Sonata, composed in 1970, begins with a free introduction leading to a sonata-typical development and exploration of two contrasting themes. The second movement (‘Nocturne’) is an intricate filigree of tender demi-semi-quavers. The Sonata finishes with a virtuosic ‘Toccata’ full of rhythms and harmonies harking back to Hungarian folk tunes.

頁數: 42
重量(g): 180
ISMN: 9790001115155
