
Schubert: Allegro in A Minor, Opus 144 ("Lebensstürme") 舒伯特 快板 作品

來自 Alfred Music
$440TWD - $440TWD
$440TWD - $440TWD

弗朗茨-舒伯特是最多產的鋼琴合奏曲作曲家之一,作品 144 號《A 小調快板》展現了他為四手聯彈鋼琴所創作的精湛技藝。這首熱情洋溢的大型作品創作於舒伯特逝世的 1828 年。它以奏鳴曲-快板的形式寫成,可能是作為奏鳴曲的第一樂章。安東-迪亞貝利(Anton Diabelli)於 1840 年首次出版了這部作品,並將其命名為《生命之歌》(Lebensstürme):生命的風暴:特色快板》(Lebensstürme: Characterischeres Allegro)。這首快板大量運用了半音階、那不勒斯六和絃和情緒對比。此外,還收錄了一張由 Naxos 唱片公司錄製的出色 CD"

作曲家: Schubert Franz
校訂者: Maurice Hinson and Allison Nelson
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Advanced;
風格: Masterwork
Franz Schubert was one of the most prolific composers of ensemble piano music, and the Allegro in A Minor, Op. 144, demonstrates his mastery at writing for one piano, four hands. This large and passionate work was composed in 1828, the year of Schubert's death. It is written in sonata-allegro form and may have been intended as the first movement of a sonata. It was first published by Anton Diabelli in 1840 with the title Lebensstürme: Characterischeres Allegro (Life's Storms: Characteristic Allegro). The Allegro makes extensive use of chromaticism, Neapolitan sixth chords, and contrasts of moods. Also included is an outstanding CD recording from the Naxos label.

頁數: 48
重量(g): 226.796185
ISBN: 9780739093252
UPC: 38081451862
