
The Bluegrass Fiddlers

來自 Alfred Music
$200TWD - $200TWD
$200TWD - $200TWD

這是一首生動活潑、舞蹈風格的藍草樂曲,由 3 位演奏者在 1 個鍵盤上演奏,一定會成為表演或娛樂時的最愛!這首曲子用 C 大調寫成,4/4 拍,八分音符節奏很容易掌握,還很好地混合了頓音和連音技巧,並有很多對比鮮明的動態,演奏者之間的旋律分配也很好,這樣就輪到每個鋼琴家大顯身手了。聯邦音樂節 2016-2020 年精選。聯邦音樂節 2020-2024 年精選曲目"

作曲家: Margaret Goldston
樂器: Piano
出版社: Alfred Music
難度: Elementary;
風格: Country
What a lively, dance-styled bluegrass piece for 3 performers on 1 keyboard that is sure to be a favorite in performances or to just play for fun! Written in C Major, in 4/4 time, with easily executed eighth note rhythms, this song also has a good mix of staccato and legato techniques, and a lot of contrasting dynamics, as well as a nice distribution of melody-playing between the performers, so that each pianist has his or her turn to "shine." A Federation Festivals 2016-2020 selection. A Federation Festivals 2020-2024 selection.

頁數: 8
重量(g): 40.36972093
ISBN: 9780739018491
UPC: 38081190693
