
Kontraste 對比 雙簧管加鋼琴 柏特-柏克版

來自 Bote & Bock
$880TWD - $880TWD
$880TWD - $880TWD

烏蘇拉-馬姆洛克 1923 年出生于柏林,1939 年因猶太血統被迫經厄瓜多爾移居紐約。2006 年,她回到了自己出生的城市。"在大約三分鐘的時間裡,為雙簧管和豎琴創作的小巧迷人的二部曲 Kontraste[對比]以其清晰的音色和對本質的限制吸引了人們。曲名就說明了一切: 活潑的幽默舞曲之後是相當細膩、甚至近乎憂鬱的第二樂章,標題為 "largo e mesto"。這部作品創作於 2009/10 年,是獻給瑞士雙簧管演奏家海因茨-霍利格(Heinz Holliger)和他的妻子豎琴演奏家烏蘇拉-霍利格(Ursula Holliger)的生日禮物"

作曲家: Mamlok, Ursula
樂器: oboe and harp
出版社: Bote & Bock

I. Humoresque (Für Heinz Holliger zum 70. Geburtstag 21. Mai 2009) - II.

Ursula Mamlok was born in Berlin in 1923, but was forced to emigrate via Ecuador to New York in 1939 because of her Jewish descent. In 2006 she returned to the city where she was born.In about three minutes, the small and charming two-part piece Kontraste [Contrasts] for oboe and harp captivates with clarity and limitation to the essentials. The name says it all: A lively humoresque is followed by a rather delicate, even almost melancholy second movement which is headed 'largo e mesto'. The composition was written in 2009/10 as a birthday present for the Swiss oboist – and this work's dedicatee – Heinz Holliger (and his wife, the harpist Ursula Holliger).
頁數: 16
重量(g): 80
ISMN: 9790202533963
ISBN: 9783793140900
UPC: 888680081478