
Jean Sibelius: Humoresque IV Op.89 No.2 (Violin/Piano) 西貝流士 幽默曲 小提琴 鋼琴

$630TWD - $630TWD
$630TWD - $630TWD

讓-西貝柳斯最優秀的作品之一是他 1917 年創作的Humoresques。這首美妙迷人的協奏曲分為兩組出版,分別為作品 87 和作品 89,展現了他高超的小提琴技藝。

作曲家: Jean Sibelius
樂器: violin and piano 小提琴(含鋼琴伴奏)
出版社: Music Sales America


Among the best of Jean Sibelius' oeuvre are his 1917 compositions, the Humoresques. This fabulous and charming concerto was divided into two groups for publication, Opus 87 and Opus 89, and demonstrates his sublime skill with the Violin.

He used a considerably smaller Orchestra accompaniment to the Violin in the second group but maintained the subtlety of depth and texture. Though there are traditional elements to all parts of this opus, Humoresque No. 4 harks back to the past the most, reminiscent of the delicacy of mid-nineteenth century musical miniatures. Virtuosic and challenging, the soloist has the opportunity to indulge in a more traditionally exhibitionistic display.

This work features a seperate Violin part with a Piano reduction of the String Orchestra by Karl Ekman.
頁數: 0
重量(g): 62.37
尺寸(cm): 29.845cm*20.955cm
EAN: 9788759852606
UPC: 884088878405