
Rubinstein - Piano Concerto No. 4 in D Minor, Op. 70 Music Minus One Piano Deluxe 2-CD Set 鋼琴協奏曲 鋼琴

$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

安東-魯賓斯坦 19 世紀著名的'雷電'協奏曲在 20 世紀晚期的音樂廳中長期被忽視,現在有了令人驚歎的 MMO 版本,新一代鋼琴家可以發現它驚心動魄的八度音程、悠長抒情的旋律線條和優美的管弦樂。在 19 世紀末 20 世紀初,這首曲子成為英雄協奏曲的代名詞。這首協奏曲保證會讓觀眾大飽耳福,也是每一位有抱負的演奏家發現其魅力後的最愛。這套豪華的 2CD 套裝包括一個慢速練習版本,幫助您快速掌握

作曲家: Anton Rubinstein
樂器: Piano;Piano/Keyboard
出版社: Music Minus One
Anton Rubinstein's famous 'thunder and lightning' concerto of the 19th century, long neglected in late-20th century concert halls, is now available in a stupendous MMO edition, allowing a new generation of pianists to discover its thrilling octave passages, long, lyrical melodic lines, and beautiful orchestration. It became synonymous with the idea of the heroic concerto in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This one is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser, and a favorite of every aspiring virtuoso who discovers its power. This deluxe 2CD set includes a slow-tempo practice version to help you get up to speed.

Contains an authoritative, newly engraved 112-page music score printed on high-quality ivory paper, with informative historical liner notes; a digital stereo compact disc featuring a complete performance of the concerto with orchestra and soloist, and a second performance minus you, the soloist; and a second compact disc containing a full-speed version of the complete version as well as a special -20% slow-tempo version of the accompaniment for practice purposes. The concerto is voluminously indexed for your practice and performance convenience.

Performed by Sung-Suk Kang, piano

Accompaniment: Plovdiv Philharmonic Orchestra

Conductor: Nayden Todorov


Piano Concerto No. 4 in D minor, op. 70
頁數: 112
重量(g): 447.93
尺寸(cm): 31.115cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9781596150737
UPC: 884088187545
