
Mozart - Sinfonia Concertante in E-flat, KV364; Adagio in E; Rondo in C Music Minus One Violin 莫札特 交響曲 複協奏曲 慢板 迴旋曲 小提琴

$900TWD - $900TWD
$900TWD - $900TWD

1779 年末,莫札特創作了這首令人垂涎的經典之作,它是莫札特僅存的以這種形式創作的作品,融合了交響樂和協奏曲的風格。這首曲子的小提琴和中提琴部分都非常出色,莫札特的寫作和配器也無與倫比。我們還收錄了兩首精彩的莫札特小品:《E大調快板》(KV261)和《C大調迴旋曲》(KV373)。與中提琴演奏家于爾根-克洛斯(Jürgen Klos)和由喬爾-馬蒂亞斯-珍妮(Joel Mathias Jenny)指揮的奧菲斯特室內樂團(Les Orpheistes Chamber Orchestra)合作演奏這兩首曲目,是一次神奇而激動人心的經歷。任何小提琴家都不容錯過的經典之作!

作曲家: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
樂器: Violin
出版社: Music Minus One
In late 1779, Mozart penned this delectable classic, which stands as the only remaining Mozart composition in this form, incorporating both symphonic and concerto styles. It features wonderful parts for both violin and viola against Mozart's incomparably brilliant writing and orchestration. We have also included two wonderful Mozart bon-bons, The E-major Adagio, KV261; and the C-major Rondo, KV373. A magical and exciting experience to perform this alongside virtuoso Jürgen Klos at the viola and Les Orpheistes Chamber Orchestra under the baton of Joel Mathias Jenny. A classic not to be missed by any violinist!

The price of this book includes a unique code that provides access to audio tracks online, for download or streaming. The tracks include PLAYBACK+, a multi-functional audio player that allows you to slow down audio without changing pitch, set loop points, change keys, and pan left or right – available exclusively from Hal Leonard.


Sinfonia Concertante, at Violin Solo entrance

Rondo in C Major
頁數: 32
重量(g): 164.43
尺寸(cm): 30.48cm*22.86cm
EAN: 9781596157804
UPC: 884088583767
