
Chamber Music - Chopin Complete Works Vol. XVI for Cello and Piano, Violin, Cello and Piano, Flute and Piano 蕭邦 室內樂 大提琴 小提琴 鋼琴 波蘭版


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蕭邦的鋼琴和絃樂作品通常是為特定場合而作,它們的存在得益於特定個人對曲目的需求。G 小調大提琴奏鳴曲》是個例外,這是作曲家打算出版的最後一部作品,這部作品反映了他當前的風格,極具反思性,是想像力向後浪漫主義領域滲透的結果。蕭邦的室內樂作品屬於常規音樂會曲目。這些作品由 I. J. Paderewski、L. Bronarski 和 J. Turczynski 編輯"

作曲家: Frédéric Chopin
校訂者: Ignacy Jan Paderewski
樂器: Chamber Ensemble
出版社: PWM Edition
Chopin's works for piano and strings were usually made for a specific occasion, and we owe their existence to the repertoire needs of specific individuals. The exception is the Sonata in G minor for cello, the last work by the composer intended for publication, a work reflecting his current style, highly reflective, the result of imagination encroaching into post-romantic areas. Chopin's chamber works belong to the regular concert repertoire. These works were edited by I. J. Paderewski, L. Bronarski, and J. Turczynski.

頁數: 202
重量(g): 683.235
EAN: 9781480390683
UPC: 884088970611
