
Symphony No. 9 馬勒.古斯塔夫 交響曲 總譜 歐伊倫堡版

$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD
$1,080TWD - $1,080TWD

勒所有的交響曲現在都可以在 Eulenburg 目錄中找到。馬勒 2 - 創作於 1888 年至 1894 年,被稱為 "復活交響曲"。馬勒是在漢斯-馮-比洛的葬禮上想到最後樂章 "復活 "的。馬勒第三交響曲》(Mahler 3)--三部交響曲的中篇,將詩集《Des Knaben Wunderhorn》中的文字譜成樂曲。馬勒第九交響曲--最後完成的交響曲;作為一位偉大的迷信作曲家的告別之作,在創作狂潮中創作而成;在接受史上通常被視為具有最高作曲價值的作品,是向新音樂時代的過渡。由尤爾-加姆祖(Yoel Gamzou)實現的馬勒 10,見 ED 21849(由 Schott Music 出版)和 WER 51222"

作曲家: Mahler, Gustav
樂器: orchestra
出版社: Ernst Eulenburg & Co. GmbH

Preface - Vorwort - I. Andante comodo - II. Im Tempo eines gemächlichen Ländlers. Etwas täppisch und sehr derb - III. Rondo-Burleske. Allegro assai. Sehr trotzig - IV. Adagio. Sehr langsam und noch zurückhaltend

All of Mahler's symphonies are now available in the Eulenburg catalogue.Mahler 2 – written between 1888 and 1894 and known as 'Resurrection Symphony'. Mahler came up with the idea for the final movement 'Resurrection' at the funeral ceremony for Hans von Bülow. Mahler 3 – the middle of the three symphonies which sets texts from the poetry collection 'Des Knaben Wunderhorn' to music and is often described in the history of reception as peak of Mahler's monumentality. Mahler 9 – the last finished symphony; composed in a creative frenzy as a farewell of a great superstitious composer; often regarded in the history of reception as work of the highest compositional value and as transition to a new musical epoch. For Mahler 10, realised by Yoel Gamzou, see ED 21849 (published by Schott Music) and WER 51222
頁數: 192
重量(g): 360
ISMN: 9790200226553
ISBN: 9783795711542
UPC: 841886030466