
Symphony No. 3 in D Minor 馬勒古斯塔夫 交響曲 總譜

來自 Dover
$585TWD - $585TWD
$585TWD - $585TWD

馬勒的第三交響曲是他作為作曲家發展的轉捩點,主要沿襲了他前兩部交響曲的音樂風格。該交響曲是為龐大的管弦樂隊而譜寫的,被構想為一個由六個樂章組成的龐大的自然迴圈,包括開場的偉大進行曲、為中音譜寫的尼采的《啊,人類!Gib Acht!Gib Acht!》,以及為女子合唱團和男童合唱團創作的《Es sungen drei Engel》這首動人的鐘聲之歌。有了這一全新、經濟實惠的微型樂譜版本,音樂愛好者、演奏家和學生們可以學習這首偉大音樂中豐富的管弦樂,探索這位常被視為奧地利最後一位偉大交響樂作曲家的天才。對維也納 Universal Edition 出版的版本進行了未刪節的再版。德語術語表。樂器清單"

作曲家: Mahler Gustav
樂器: Full Orchestra
出版社: Dover Publications
風格: Masterwork
Mahler's third symphony, which marked a turning point in his development as a composer, predominantly follows the musical style of his two earlier symphonies. Scored for a massive orchestra, it was conceived as a vast nature cycle in six movements, including the great opening march, the moving setting for alto of Nietzsche's "O Mensch! Gib Acht!" and the scintillating bell song for women's and boys' choirs "Es sungen drei Engel." With this new, affordable miniature-score edition, music lovers, performers, and students can study the orchestral richness of this great music and explore the genius of the composer often regarded as the last great Austrian symphonist. Unabridged republication of the edition published by Universal Edition, Vienna, n.d. New translations of texts. Glossary of German terms. Lists of instruments.

頁數: 0
重量(g): 362.873896
ISBN: 9780486421384
UPC: 9780486421384
