
Shortcut to Jazz Essential Jazz Licks 爵士音樂爵士音樂

$720TWD - $720TWD
$720TWD - $720TWD

本書深入探討了適用於各種音樂環境的二度/五度/六度音型。本書被稱為 "理論結合實踐 "的書籍。用耳朵演奏的音樂家會發現,書中的許多樂段和樂句都是他們聽過並使用多年的熟悉音色。本書提供了全部 12 個調式的樂段和樂句,可與 Aebersold 系列中的《第 3 卷:II/V7/I 級進行曲》隨堂練習完美配合。是時候熟悉並熟練掌握 II/Vs 了!

作曲家: Bunky Green
出版社: Jamey Aebersold Jazz
難度: Intermediate / Advanced;
風格: Jazz
Featuring a thorough exploration of II/V/I patterns applicable to a variety of musical situations. This book has been referred to as a "theory follows practice" book. Musicians who have played by ear will recognize many of the licks and phrases as familiar sounds they have heard and used for years. Licks & patterns are presented in all 12 keys and work perfectly with the Volume 3: The II/V7/I Progression play-along from the Aebersold series. Time to get familiar and comfortable with II/Vs!
頁數: 64
重量(g): 272.155422
ISBN: 9781562240936
UPC: 635621500570